Monday, January 25, 2010

MAN DOWN, MAN DOWN SHOT crud strikes again

Alright, so I did not post from the show. twenty dollar internet access per day and the fact that it was the busiest SHOT ever conspired against me.
I now am intensive  care  in Austin trying to recover from the standard SHOT show crud.
I am returning to the lair by airdrop tomorrow and will incite my minions to get all the pics and info posted
Stay tuned

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Live from SHOT 2010

Well, it's 1;30 on the 1'st day of the show and this is the only time I could even leave the booth.
I will try and have some pic's up tomorrow. Airsoft is spread all over the hall, so It is a challenge to get around. Vendors thoughts on the show so far It has been the biggest cluster f&*k of any shot show ever.
A dollar a minute internet service means this will be short. More from the hotel tonight were it is only 25 dollars for 4 hours, stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Our booth number at SHOT is 25501
This will save you looking furiously thru that huge assed show book, like I always do,walking down the packed aisles,  bumping into people. Or walking away from the booth and forgetting the number you were going to see, then bothering some poor vendor for his book, or pickpocketing the guy in front of you for his!
Look at all the trouble you save just for reading this stupid blog.

And remember the name

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

SHOT countdown, Travel starts in 2 days. Great news!

The Flying monkeys are packed, My 5.11 and Woolrich
"Businesses Tactical" wardrobe is pressed and we are almost ready to go.
Last minute items are still finding there way in the luggage but I am approaching max weight and sacrifice's will have to be made. I have found if I wear each pair of socks for three days I can fit an extra carton of cigarettes and 3 more DVD's.

Super news on the show front
We will have the absolute coolest Airsoft guns at the show in the X-caliber Tactical booth.

We will be introducing a new M2 "Ma Deuce" 6mm, full scale, CNC'ed, tripod mounted airsoft gun from a brand new manufacturer.
Production units will be available within 6-8 weeks.

We will also have the first showing of the new Piper
"Evolution RSG2"
   (R) rotary (S) six barrel (G) generation 2

Also, making it debut in Las Vegas,
The Finest, Most Expensive Airsoft Race Gun Built.
Over a Year in the Making 

 Make sure you check back on the evening of the 19th for the 1st pictures.

This is all predicated on my flights connecting, the road trip from Austin to LV going off without a hitch 
and my ability to stay out of the Spearmint Rhino on setup nite.
I am making no promises. 

Everyone asks, what's with the Flying Monkeys 
Ported over from

Why I carry a gun

Ok, everyone always asks, " so, why do you feel the need to carry a gun with you?"
After they get up off the ground, after falling there from the head smack I gave them, I tell them it is because I read the newspaper every day. But............ That is not the whole truth
Now, here is the the real truth, you ready

Flying Monkeys
that's right, I saw the Wizard of OZ when I was very young and saw what those Godd#$@! things can do, they are hideous, and real damn scary.

So that's it, I carry a gun because of those Flying Fuc%&!# Monkeys. ( FFM's for short)
I also carry a backup gun, just in case I get some monkey juice on my primary one.

I guess the next question is, What is the best caliber handgun for repelling FFM's
My daily carry is a  Springfield XD45 5" Tactical, a S&W 332 loaded with magsafe ammo for pocket carry, and a X26 Taser. only three extra mags for the XD, but I do have the add on battery carrier for the X26 so I have two shots there.
Do you think this is enough, I also have a Remington 3 gun competition model 1100 12 gauge in the truck , if I can fight my way back to it!

I now wonder how the Taser will do on FFM 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

SHOT Show 11 days off and counting

"And then they found the dead hooker in the trunk!"

The Flying Monkey Squad is getting ready for the SHOT show
Travel Blog will start on the evening of the 14th of Jan
Hope to have something interesting for you at least once in the 12 day trip.
I have applied for SHOT press credentials so I can legally take pic's at the show.
I am sure that there will be plenty of better blog sites to follow, I just think few will have a airsoft slant.
Let me know if you want to see anything special.
Hope to Blog live from the show for your pleasure.
Stay tuned