As you all saw,
I was named "most bestest guy in airsoft"
by Popular Airsoft website.
I have this huge silver Plate to show how wonderful I am.
Now, here is my quandary, I have to decide, being the humble man I am, how it should be displayed.
I feel it would be a disservice to PA if I did not promote my award.
As all of you know, although I like to stay low key.
I never try and
stand out and always allow others to be the center of attention but, to
be fair to them, here are my ideas.
1. Have a custom "plate" carrier made with a transparent pouch on the front and small strobing led lights shining on it.
2 Hook a huge silver chain to it and wear it like a "flav o flav" alarm clock around my neck.
3 Make it into a belt buckle ( of course, as fat as I am, you might not see it well).
4 Hire a guy to follow me around everywhere holding it above his head and singing my praises,
like those boxer guys.
I have a while till Shot show to make this decision. Remember, I would
just as prefer to fade into the background, but for popular airsoft, I
am willing to seek a little limelight.
Please help, I am too
modest to make this call, as you can see, I am only staying with the
classy ideas so that this stays very unassuming.